Our Values
Just as Jesus taught us to pray, “thy kingdom come,” we are called to be a compassionate community that seeks and champions a fair and just society”

Celebrating Sacred Moments
The Eucharist is the heart of our life together. We believe that Christ is with us whenever we gather and we acknowledge this most fully in our celebration with the Eucahrist. An opportunity in our disengaged world to come together around the table that Jesus sets for us. The church has always marked milestones in our lives; baptisms, confirmations, weddings, funerals, churching Sundays, and many other moments of significant change when we seek the palpable nearness of God.

Giving Abundantly
“All things come of thee.” Everything we have comes from God and because of that, we are called to give generously of our time, talents, and treasures. We believe that part of living our faith is trusting enough to give generously from the abundance that we have been given.

As Anglicans we are buoyed by rich traditions that call us to remember that we are a part of the “great cloud of witnesses” to the love of God in Jesus Christ. Through the beauty of our liturgy, music, and architecture, we are reminded of the awesome wonder of the Triune God. We at St George’s are blessed with a particularly beautiful space that draws worshippers toward a deeper sense of wonder.
Inspiring Awe

Rejoicing Together
Within the Anglican faith, we uphold the belief that the Christian life encompasses praise and prayer, both privately and publicly. Traditional Anglican worship forms the heart of the community of St. George’s, but we are committed to embracing and valuing individuals from all cultures and perspectives, fostering an environment where everyone feels welcome and respected. We strive to be leaders in promoting diversity and inclusion, both within our congregation, and in the broader community, setting an example for others to follow, and inspiring positive change.